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Showing posts from August, 2013

Free Coolers

Want a free cooler to keep your drinks cold? Stop by your doctor's office.  I know you're saying, "Really my doctor?"  But when you think about it, it makes perfect sense.  Every family doctor gives a certain number of vaccinations.  Vaccines need to be kept cold.  Therefore, your doctor will have a constant supply of coolers coming into the office, especially in the fall when the flu vaccines arrive.  I have a supplier since my wife works in our doctor's office but I would think they would be happy to put these coolers to use instead of throwing them away.  I have seen two types.  This one ships with dry ice and is not as thick but has more space inside. This one ships with ice packs that fit into the space at the bottom and along the sides.  The bonus here is the ice packs.  They won't stand up as well as real blue ice but they are free so what the heck.  This one is also thicker but won't store as much, not quite a 6 pack...