I will judge the plastic glasses a success. I planted the last couple out in the garden yesterday. The roots were grown against the sides of the plastic cups, which is pretty normal, but usually in a V shaped pot you would see the roots had grown down to the bottom of the pot and started winding around. Even after letting them grow a little too long in these glasses this wasn't really the case. Of course there was some but not nearly as much as I would have expected. There is a chance these patio tomatoes don't send deep roots. That I don't know. But the only problem they seemed to have was that I didn't water them enough once they got bigger. Sometimes I have a problem with that. Right now I have a few shriveled cabbage seedlings in the basement. Something for me to work on. Anyway, two of the plants have half inch tomatoes. It has been cool here lately but I should have tomatoes to pick in a week or two. Not bad. The regular soda cup lids tended to get br...
I almost always have something going on.